Monday, August 30, 2010

Turkish Sott's Fran

Barbell Turkish Get Up Alternating Arms
Sott's Press


  1. WODoers: Did one round as rx'd on gravel driveway and said enough is enough, tt= 18:14, much more difficult to do the tgups on gravel than hard floor, then ran a mile and did some ghdsu's to make up for not finishing.

    Myles: Nice tip on the mobility. I did the 10 minutes squat and one of the shoulder mobilitywods last night. The 10 minutes squat is a real eye opener for me on how unbelievably tight I have let my hips get.

  2. So with the Crossfit Fitness Test complete here's how I sized up...

    Test 1: 20pts.
    Test 2: 11pts.
    Test 3: 18pts.
    Test 4: 16pts.
    Test 5: 17pts.

    Grand Total: 82pts (B-)

    All I can say is, damn! I can only imagine the types of beastly guys who would score in the 90's on this. It was a fair fitness assessment and I can't wait to see how I fare next time I give this a try.

    Warm Up:

    WOD #1
    Crossfit Test 5:
    For Time:
    800m Run
    21 Thrusters, 75lbs
    21 L Pull-ups

    Performance: The thruster must originate from a full squat each rep. The “L” pull-ups are pull-ups with the legs extended straight out in front of the athlete. Any pull-up where the heels fall below the butt or the legs bend other than slightly is disallowed. The thruster and “L” pull-ups need not be performed consecutively, i.e. without breaking. Any grip is O.K. for the pull-up, but the range of motion must be complete.

    Scoring: The entire effort is timed from the start of the run to the last pull-up. A time is returned in minutes and seconds.

    4-20 Points Score as follows...
    4pts. 6:00-5:53
    5pts. 5:52-5:45
    6pts. 5:44-5:38
    7pts. 5:37-5:31
    8pts. 5:30-5:23
    9pts. 5:22-5:15
    10pts. 5:14-5:08
    11pts. 5:07-5:01
    12pts. 5:00-4:53
    13pts. 4:52-4:45
    14pts. 4:44-4:38
    15pts. 4:37-4:31
    16pts. 4:30-4:23
    17pts. 4:22-4:15
    18pts. 4:14-4:08
    19pts. 4:07-4:01
    20pts. 4:00>

    Character: This test is classic CrossFit. The combination of a monostructural metabolic exercise (running) combined with a high demand weightlifting movement (Thruster: front squat/push press), and a super demanding bodyweight movement (“L” pull-up), all for time, is distinctly CrossFit and is directly indicative of an athlete’s total capacity.

    Jacob 4:20 (800m 2:44, Thrusters unbroken, L Pull-ups 10-5-3-3)

    Score: 17pts.

    WOD #2
    Pick one set weight and complete 21-18-15-12-9-6-3-1 reps of:
    Overhead Squat
    Barbell Lunges
    Barbell 1/4 Squat Jump
    *1 minute rest between each movement

    Jacob 95lbs, all sets unbroken

    WOD #3
    6 Attempts for max reps of:
    Straight bar curl, 95lbs
    Pull-up, 45lb Dumbbell
    *Go from one movement to the next and then rest 2 minutes after each couplet

    SBC 12, PU 5
    SBC 12, PU 5
    SBC 10, PU 5
    SBC 11, PU 5
    SBC 12, PU 6
    SBC 12, PU 6

  3. Hey guys. I was gone for three days the last two weekends and got sick in the middle of last week so not much WOD'ing lately.

    Justin, TGU's in the dirt?! Madness.

    Today I started my new job, it's gonna be crazy and challenging. I just went fly fishing Fri-Sun with my dad way up in North Park Colorado near a very small town called Walden. Caught a few fish, caught a few beers too. My knee is totally swollen up again, I think it's just from fishing all day long two days in a row. I am going to have some bad arthritis as I get older. Oh well, can't do much about that..... so I went back over all of the WODs I missed and looked for a BW one that didn't involve the knee, found that 21,18,15, etc. one of strict pullups and HSPUs. I did 1/2 ring dips and 1/2 HSPUs otherwise I would have never finished, as I am slow on HSPUs. Did it in 25:45. Hard to do a ton of pullups, RDs, and HSPUs when you haven't worked those muscles in over a week! Well, back on the horse. Hope the swelling goes down so I can do one of the WODs involving legs, otherwise I might have to make something up tomorrow, press and core or something. I have been reading all the blog posts though... they get emailed to me. Always entertaining!

  4. Good luck with your new job Fletcher, enjoy it.

  5. I made this one up today. I used a 1.5pd KB for the getups, so a little extra weight to make up for the balance challenges a barbell must have presented. My shoulders are burnt. And I'll also probably have a nice bruise on the back of my neck from those fucking presses.

    TT = 24:05


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