Saturday, February 5, 2011

G.I. Jane (100 burpee high jump pullups)


  1. My bar is only a 4 inch jump, but to make up for it, all burpees were FULL ON body on the floor, all pullups were DEAD HANG, and height was always to throat with full head above bar, none of that leaning your chin at an upward angle business. Every rep you have to pause to line yourself up for the jump and catch. I switched grips (palms in or out) every couple of reps.

    TT: 17:52. Beat down.

  2. Mine was a little different Fletcher. Bar is only about 7'6" so no jump. But I did full burpees (w/ a hop), then swing to full extension & kip PU. Still not as hard as a full burpee-JPU but at least full ROM on the PUs.

    TT = 14:45 PR by about 1min

    BTW Chris you're welcome. I know Cuse needed a win somewhere, who better than the Huskies to roll over for you. My boys better beat the shit out of the Hall tonite though.

  3. Did burpee flying pullups. Grap bottom bar Kip and release up sixteen inches then finish pull up chin over top bar. Total time 29:30. Have a bad feeling about ability use arms tomorrow.

  4. Chas I was shocked that the Cuse beat the Huskies. They were desperate for a win. Good luck tonight, we play South Florida @ 2 today.

    I played around with the Snatch Balance yesterday but couldn't go super heavy. You have to keep your core tight on those suckers. I got up to 135 and that was enough for me.

    Today's WOD was out in the cold ass garage using the awesome pull up bar I got from Rogue. It's just over 8' so my jumps are roughly 9". Full on body to the floor and alternate grip on the pulls. I had major bar stare half way through this, but kept doing sets of 10 before I would allow myself to take a short breather. Good to do this one almost RX'd last time wasn't even close.

    TT: 18:57

    Later fellas


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