Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3


  1. WODoers: I did a westside speed day instead of the sets of 3. I used to 250# and did sets of 2 every 45 seconds for a total of ten rounds. I concentrated on maximum speed on every rep. I think the west side speed day is much more productive and much less destructive than the max effort set of three. Yeah it is much easier too, but who gives a fuck if it works better...right?

  2. Justin I like that idea. Think I'll do the same.

  3. Justin how did you come to 250?

  4. Chas: There is a great article on west side's web site about the speed days, but the over simplified version is that you use between 50 and 60% of your one rep max for a speed day. Rep scheme is 3 for bench, and 1 or two for squats and deads. Do 8 to 10 rounds. Rest between 40 and 75 seconds between rounds and move the bar as fast as possible. 250 is about 52% of my one rep max and allows me to do the workout without losing any speed.

  5. Did this one as the back half of a double last night. Working on form with some other guys in the gym that actually know how to dead lift. So, hopefully I can get off this damn plateau I've been at since forever.

    225, 275, 315, 345x1, 345x2

    The last round felt better, but I still can't get over that feeling where you hit a weight that just won't budge no matter what you do.


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