Sunday, February 20, 2011

5 rounds of 50 ' 45 lb OH lunges and 21 burpees


  1. WODoers: I think I am the slowest person on earth for box jumps and burpees. This one sucked but I got er done.
    TT= 17:42

  2. Almost a minute off the last time I did this, but my legs were sore from yesterday's WOD. Burpees suck after a night of drinking beer. Sweated a 6 pack out anyway. I used a 45# plate instead of the bar. I almost think that made it harder, but just my opinion.

    TT: 14:04

  3. I did my mama proud today.

    TT 12:24, PR by over a minute I think. I got 3 rounds done in exactly 7 minutes but lost pace some in rounds 4 and 5 (round 1 was 1:54). Chas, there's your target, otherwise boys, pack your sleeping bags and head to my place.

    That was a mental battle to stay focused on the pace. The key for me is to stay moving always on burpees... rest by going a little slower, but never just stop doing them, even for 3 seconds.

    Tomorrow I wanna do Mary, never done her.

  4. Where is Chazzy Chazzletons? Where for Art Thou, College Rower Boy?

  5. I'm around - not much WOD work going on though. Vacation mode has set in. I got around to Annie - jerk-off style - and made a PR there at 10:35 doing 3:1 SUs. But I'm outta here for a while, I'll be up north through next weekend and then out West most of the following week. Ski, then surf.

  6. Looks like it's officially a night at the Fletcher household. Did this one last night and I think that I also stole Kook's title for slowest burpee-er in the US.

    TT - 19:57

    Tried to follow the "never stop" method on burpees but it didn't work for me.

    Having Monday off didn't really get me any more caught up than usual. Glad I did get school shit done though. Anyway, just gotta make it through tomorrow then I'll have a little more WOD time. Later fellas.


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