Thursday, February 10, 2011


One wrench+10lbbumper+45lbbumper=redneck 1.5 pood kettlebell.


  1. WODoers: My homemade kettle bell and the cleans just destroyed my forearms. I am postiing round times just to give you guys an idea of what to expect. My ears filled with water and I started getting dizzy at the beginning of round 4.

    2:20/3:13/4:31/3:57/3:57/4:33/3:28=26:03 as rx'd

    This wod was very tough for me. Sad to see another hero.

  2. Hey dudes... Justin, that rocks. Yes, my forearms got wrecked. I scaled the PC's to 75 lbs so I don't wreck my back - the rest RX'd. I have an important business trip I am going on this morning to Austin with a customer for two days, don't want to wake up tomorrow AM crippled.

    Round 1 unbroken in 2:00, the rest of the rounds I could only do KBS unbroken.

    TT 19:00 to the second. That took heart..

    I got a little emotional reading Wittman's survivors list. I HATE WAR but freedom ain't free, and the agenda of radical Islam must be thwarted.

  3. Justin love the redneck kettlebell. You beat me by 8 seconds. Craig 19 minutes is impressive. This was a very hard WOD. I started getting dizzy as well and almost quit in round 6, but then I thought about Wittman's family, his children especially and I sucked it up and finished.

    As RX'd, 20" plyo box on top of some 2x6 scraps I had to build it up to 24".

    Round times as follows:

    2:48/3:26/4:15/4:45/3:49/3:25/3:40 = 26:11

    I skipped the 5K, I was and still am sore as hell from Ledesma. I have a feeling tomorrow is not going to be pretty.

    Later fellas

  4. Taking 20 lbs off of those HPCs makes a pretty big difference though... I did a round of 10 with 95 lbs and I could feel it tweaking on my back though... so I had to throttle it back

  5. Hey Dudes!
    Try this 3 rounds of
    Run 1 mile
    Row 1600m
    It sucked my legs started to cramp on mile 3 but jogged it out
    TT 43:50

  6. Whaddup boys

    I was swamped this week so I only got to make up Wittman this afternoon. What a burner; those cleans killed me.

    TT = 22:25

    Hopefully this won't mess me up for the next cycle...

  7. I'm an idiot. I did this one with thrusters instead of cleans. Anyway,

    TT = 32:15

    Really wish I would've done cleans instaed. Oh well, good WOD. Have a good weeekend. Later fellas.


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