Tuesday, February 1, 2011



  1. This wod borders on evil, not for the sucky first and second rounds, but for the its so easy sounding 65# thrusters and unweighted pullups. Made a pussy out of me. TT as rx'd = 14:30

  2. Now that is just messed up dude. I got the VERY same time?!?!! BUT, I scaled the first round of thrusters to 95 lbs, so you kicked my ass. I agree,the first two rounds were a lot better. First round 2:32 (95 lbs), 2nd round about 5 mins, then the last round was like 7 mins where I totally fell apart, it sucked. That last round killed me. I spent a lot of time gasping for air. Way more than I thought I would. This was like Fran for Grown Men.

  3. My hammies and back are still pretty sore from yesterdays DL madness. I decided to use my head and scale on the Thrusters. I did the PU's RX'd which is the first time I've done those since surgery. Nasty WOD, I agree the 3 Round sucked the most. I started round 3 with 6:47 on the clock.

    TT: 13:01

    Justin you are still the king for doing this RX'd. I probably could of, but was little worried with the shoulder. Great work guys. Craig thanks for the motivational email just before I started this. It pushed me through this.

  4. Oh forgot to post my weight on the Thrusters:


    This SUCKED

  5. Remember Franroids? This one was Franzilla.

    But I liked it. I got totally winded a bunch of times but powered through as rx'd. Thrusters broken 8-4-3/15-6/15-13-8, PUs just plain broken.

    TT = 15:35

    The one cool thing about this WOD was how light the weights (and BW) felt at the beginnings of rounds 2 and 3. But that went away real fast.

  6. I think I am the puss of the day. I just get killed with the thrusters/pullups combo. It was like 20 degrees in my garage too, it was literally 14 below in CO today. One of the coldest days ever!!! It was in the 60's a couple of days ago.

    Good job by all, except me.

    Party is at JTS's tonight

  7. This WOD shall be known as "Yuck" in the future. Just Yuck. That's all.

  8. Does everyone else agree that changing weights in a wod like this is just torture? Seriously, gasping for air and switching out 45s for 25s on the ground is just fucking wrong, and it cost you serious time.

    Question on sub: No offense, but I don't get the jumping pullup sub for rope climbs? That is like subbing 45# deadlifts for 300# squats. I can do fifty jumping pull ups in less time than it takes me to recover between round 4 and 5 of rope climbs. Just curious as to why somehting easy would be used as a sub for something hard.

  9. I'm with you JTS; I was gonna complain about the time I lost changing weights too but I figured you guys had to do the same thing. On this WOD though I probably would have still lost that time just catching my breath.

  10. I went as rx'ed on the thrusters, but couldn't hang on the PU's. I did the PU's as rx'ed on reps, but only 10# weighted on rounds 1 and 2 and half of 3.

    TT = 18:09

    I just added 10's onto the end of 25's to help with the weight transitions. I think that helped out some.

    I agree with Kook on the rope climb sub. I get what they're trying to do saying that the rope climb can use some of your legs just like in jumping PU's, but I don't think that it's a fair sub. But, I don't really know what a good sub would be either.

  11. Changing the weights and putting on and off the weight vest (and hero belt for round 1) added a solid minute to my time, but I was gasping enough to where it didn't matter a ton.

    And YES FOR SURE... JPU's are NO MATCH FOR ROPE CLIMBS. RC's ARE BRUTAL!!! They hurt. You have to get ANGRY to even do one of those. They hurt your hands, you feel like you can't even do one, you have to get pissed to even finish one. Especially legless from ass!!!! Very very hard. Towel pullups are a better sub. Can you tell I have an opinion?

  12. I personally I racked the bar each time I had to change the weights. You still lose time doing so but probably not as much as you do when the bar is on the ground.

    Regarding Rope climbs vs. Jumping PU's. I agree with everyone that RC's are by far alot harder then JPU's. BUT, 15 towel pullups per ascent is the recommended sub. So that would be 75 towel pullups. I'm not buying that, that is a fair sub in my opinion. I guarantee you it would take a lot longer to do 75 towel pullups compared to 5 rope climbs. I haven't climbed a rope since boot camp so its been awhile. Just my opinion.

    Justin I totally get what you are saying and I don't disagree at all. The 10:1 ratio for the jump pu's seemed like a reasonable number. Was the level of effort the same? No way, but even with Craig doing legless climbs he was still not too far off the numbers that Chas and I put up. BTW Craig, why in the hell did you do legless anyway? I know you're trying to be a bad ass but the WOD did not specify that.

    So now I guess I need to buy that 38 dollar rope from Rogue so I don't have anymore excuses. Oh great more leg work today. My legs are dying, I may need to pass on the OHS's and do something else. I thought I pulled a calf muscle doing yesterday's WOD. Turns out it was just a nasty cramp. Thank GOD!!

  13. I went legless because 9' vs. 15'! Plus I wanna do things that are hard.


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