Monday, January 31, 2011

Deadlift Run


  1. Someone stole my mojo baby?

    Rowed 500m for sub. TT= 14:40 of suck ass. I think my rowers seat was frozen causing my glutious maximus much pain and discomfort!

  2. You got plenty mojo Justin, at least enough to beat me. I did 500m rows too. Those were fine (all <1:55) but I totally hit the wall in the third round of DLs and was down to 1-2 at a time after that.

    TT = 15:50

  3. I don't think either one of you has lost your mojo. I give you guys credit doing rows after that many deads. My back was on fire which made the runs not all that fast or sprint like.

    DL's went 15/6,12/6,10/5,8/4
    400m runs on the treadmill

    TT: 12:43

    The 8:31 time on the mainsite is sick.

  4. Great, two things I can't do: Run and pick up heavy stuff. I took the day off, I slept terribly last night and I have been working since 6AM, totally slammed right now. But I like it. Fine work, boys.

  5. I was able to fit this one in quickly this afternoon before class. But, the gym was packed and I was strapped for time, so I did a variation.

    Started with a 1 mile run - 8:50's, my best time yet since incorporating the 1 miler 4 times per week into my routine.

    Then, I did 21, 15, 9 of deads and burpees in sets of 3's. So, 7 deads/7 burpees x3, 5d/5b x3, and 3d/3b x3.

    TT = 12:51

    Another variation on this that I got from my friend who works out at an affiliate in Louisiana is to do 5 burpees on the start of each minute, and DL's to finish out the minute. Quite when you have done 100 DL's. Haven't done that yet, but it sounds "CF fun."


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