Wednesday, January 19, 2011

5rds 400m/burpee/BOR


  1. Wow it's been a while. When I went downstairs this afternoon it felt like I was starting CF all over again. Fortunately, I was pressed for time and scaled this baby to 3 rounds. I used a 115# barbell for the BORs.

    3rds in 15 minutes

    Pretty sad; runs and burpees are always slow for me though. But at least I'm back on the WOD schedule.

  2. Hey Chas, good to see you back at it. Justin/Fletch good job on the rope climbs. I opted for 2 rest days instead. My body needed it so I obliged.

    Man was an ass kicker of a WOD. I lost time in transition between the run and the burpees, because the treadmill is in the basement and everything else is upstairs in the gym. Not that it mattered much because I was very winded from jumping right into burpees have the sprint. I use the term sprint very loosely because I suck at running. I wanted to keep it under 25, that didn't happen.

    RX'd: 25:54 of complete suck

  3. Apparently my head is still spinning because I can't type a coherent sentence.

    /Man what an ass kicker of a WOD
    //Right into burpees after the sprints what I meant to say.

    Later dudes

  4. WODoers: Did my first oly lifting training day at It crushed me like I couldn't believe. We quickly worked up through many drills to 1 rep max on the snatch and clean and jerk. I got 177 for the snatch and 230 for the clean and jerk. No Pr's but with in 8 pounds on each. I was a wreck and then I did overhead squat up to 170 pounds and worked up to a 300 pound oly style squat, ass to ankles feet close together. I was toasted and soaked in sweat from head to toe. The whole experience made me feel like a total pussy. Going to be going every Wednseday from here on out.

    I think I may do the Crossfit JH benchmark wod tomorrow. It is row 500m, 40 squats, 30 situps, 20 pushups, and 10 pullups. According to Ryan elite is 3:55. I would like to see Myles and Jacob's time on that wod. I am thinking sub 5 will be good for me.

  5. Justin, cool you are going to the affiliate, it's fun going to those.

    This WOD was of course harder than it read to be, as usual. TT 23:41 subbed 500M rows for runs. The rest RX'd. THe key was to keep moving on the burpees, tried to always do one every 5-6 seconds. Had to set those DB's down a couple of times!


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