Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snatch 1-1-1-1-1


  1. WODoers: Got 177 yesterday on the snatch.

    Today did 500m row/40 squats/30 situp/20 pushup/10 pullup

    Good gasser. Would be flat evil to do this wod with 5 rounds and 3 minutes of rest barbara style.

  2. I AM NOT JUSTIN. It only takes one day of snatch practice to prove that. I did tons of multiples at lower weights, then worked up to 125, which I think might sadly be a PR. First try there I dumped it and fell on my ass, not fun alone in the basement w/ no bumpers. But I tried again and got under it fine; first time was just balance, not strength. I stopped there though.

    Justin I followed up with your JH gasser. That was fun, and a good way to finish out a lifting day. You beat me; TT = 4:25. I think it was the squats that slowed me down, I just don't do those very fast.

    I also made a very belated Day 13 on my HSPU/RD/PU.

  3. No heavy snatch with this shoulder. So I went light and stopped at 95. I did 100 pushups just for the fun of it. So count on pushups being in tomorrows WOD.


  4. I did 40 reps of 75 lb snatch in 2:20 with some pacing (did 15, rested for a few, did 15, rested, then 10) as sort of a lower back test. I haven't snatched anything more than the bar in like 9 months. If it doesn't irritate it, I'll do 50-60 the next time, if I'm good there I'll be back to Randy. Doing Randy sub 5 would be very hard, I really started to get winded at the end and I only did 40. My Randy PR is 7:19 from 9 months ago, I know I could spank that now but I need to be smart and work my way up.


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