Monday, January 24, 2011

3x800m 2min rest


  1. WODoers: For various reason didn't do this wod, cold and new neighborhood with no measurements. Did minutes of ring dips followed by 30 seconds of ring dips. Got 12 and 10 on the minutes and 7 and 5 on 30 seconds. Should feel that tomorrow. Different though, didn't really get the heart going like pullups.

  2. WODudes:

    You know how some WODs make you nervous? That's me with rowing sprints. I only slept 5 hours so I was feeling crappy, not my best performance. Fell apart final 500M big time.


    Fran Throat abounds... actually they should call the metcon burn "rower's throat"

  3. Good times Fletcher! I'll make this one up tomorrow and try to catch you. Made up DL/DU WOD today and I posted there.

  4. Not great, but not too bad for me. Run's on the treadmill it's super cold outside today. It was -15 when I left for work today. My times got better as I loosened up.

    R1: 3:50
    R2: 3:41
    R3: 3:38

  5. Hey fellas,

    I'm back from Christmas break and listening to doctors. I wasn't sleeping for shit before I went home for Christmas break because my heart would pound heavily when I was lying in bed. So, I went in to the campus doctor. He said that my bp was high (always is in doctor's offices), told me Crossfit was probably contributing to the high bp, tried to put me on heart medication, and had no idea why my heart would pound before going to sleep. After much disagreement, I agreed to try walking for 20 minutes per day and not doing any CF workouts. I felt like shit coming back, so I started running 1 mile per day before working out, did a CF style workout with much rest between lifts/sets, then would do a 20 minute cool-down on the bike or something like that. I felt a bit better doing this, but I finally just said fuck it and have been doing the full-blown WOD's again with the running and cool-downs included. And, I feel good as usual, and bp is in the 120-140 over 70-80 range which is exactly what I've had throughout the past year.

    So, I guess I'm saying that it's nice to be posting again and glad to see all of your improvements as I have still kept up with the blog just haven't been posting.

    Needless to say, I feel like I'm starting out again for the first time. Running was done on the track today.

    4:34 / 4:38 / 4:40, then did the DL/DU WOD.


  6. Hey Mike!

    I've always had like 130/80 which is higher than I want it to be... you know doctors don't even know what perfect BP should be. They take a sample of "healthy" people and get their #'s, average them, and call that a reccomendation. This is exactly how my doc explained it. If you are a bigger dude, you'll have +/- 5 points higher right there, and if you drink a lot, that's another 5... and if you stress, there's another 5. Lots of things.

    This might sound weird but try it for me bro. go to a health food store or online and get Peter Gillhams "Natural Calm" which is just magnesium and calcium... do two teaspoons in hot water like 10 oz. Sip it 30 minutes before bed. See what happens. It's awesome, good for ya too, good for calm and good for heart health. Proven. I wouldn't be surprised AT ALL if it solves your problem.

    Chas, my times aren't that good are they?

  7. Fletcher I don't think I've ever done a single 1k row for best time, but I guess I could say that I've beaten your 3:24. Of course that was in college...

    I did catch you on this week's triple though.


    Steady Eddie. 100m sprint out of the box, half settle to the 800, then settled into high 1:40s for the rest.


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