Sunday, January 23, 2011

Deadlifts and Double Unders

Three rounds for time of:

275 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
50 Double-unders

Here's the new Rogue Pull-up bar system I just got.  It's 8' off the ground, alot better than doing them in the basement.  It was real easy to install.  Cost me 135 bucks


  1. What's up fellas? I subbed 3:1 Singles for the Double unders. DL's RX'd

    TT: 9:34

    The deadlifts got heavy real quick and jumping rope always winds me. Cool WOD, did this one in March but did tuck jumps instead.

    Enjoy the football games guys.


  2. Low ceiling and no rope so went for some pr's got 2 missed one.

    Dead hang pullups consecutive = 18 pr by two

    HSPs consecutive = 11 missed pr by one

    Bench press = 265# pr by 15 pounds.

    Nice bar Chris. That looks sweet.

  3. Hey gentlemen O' the buttocks: I skipped this one. Just didn't even have 15 minutes to spare today. My aunt is dying (on life support but still has eyes open and nods to questions), it's awful. Was at the hospital with my mom and sister who flew in from Cali most of the day. My mom has medical power of attorney and is being charged to make a decision... it's ugly. Too much detail for the blog, I am out of time. She is on her death bed from alcoholism. Gotta respect that shit, moderation. Tomorrow I am going to do 3x1K rowing sprints at 5AMish before I rush off for an early AM customer meeting then a flight to Vegas for 4 days.

    Chris, sweet bar! 5:1 SU's to DU's. Now I just made you mad. Sorry buddybutt.

  4. Craig, sorry to hear about your Aunt. It's a tough decision and one that I've witnessed personally.

    Regarding the WOD, nah not mad. Last time I did tuck jumps which is the recommended sub. I have a rope why not use it. 3:1 ratio seemed fair to me. Is it the same as Double unders? Absolutely not, but it works for me.

    My back is feeling those deads today. Running should be interesting. Pull-up bar is solid. It makes kipping so much better when I can actually hang from the bar and my feet don't touch.

    Later dudes, I'll post my weak run times later after I actually do them.


  5. Prayers to you and yours Fletcher. That's a tough situation.

    I made this WOD up today and did 50 lateral jumps over the barbell for DUs. DLs got awful heavy halfway through and really slowed me down.

    TT = 10:15

  6. Sorry to hear of the situation you and your family are in Fletch. My prayers go out to you.

    Did the running before this one. I agree that the DL's caught up pretty quickly, plus I sucked on DU's. Don't know if it was from the running before or just because of the WOD. Either way, I could only string about 10-15 together at a time. But, completed as rx'ed.

    TT - 12:14

  7. Thanks you guys. No change for Aunt Liz today. She's had that damn ventilator for two FULL weeks now, that's a long time. Part of me wishes the good Lord would just take her... it sucks.

    I know dude, I know... the 3:1 is totally fair if you compare to someone who can do DU's efficiently, I say 5:1 for me because I suck so bad at DU's that they take 5X as long! LOL...

  8. To chime in on the DU/SU debate, I think that if I were able to do 50 consecutive DU's it'd take me about :30, with an average of about :40 when breaking only once or twice per set. Whereas, 150 SU's usually takes me about 1 minute. But, 50 DU's makes me about twice to three times as tired as 150 SU's. So, it's a difficult sub to evaluate on a time/effort basis.

    I do like the lateral jumps over the bar that Chas did. It's a bit harder of a "jump" movement, but without the coordination of using a rope.


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