Monday, January 10, 2011

3 rds: MU/WB/HSPU/PCs

Chris Spealler is superhuman. Winners get a quarter mil this year!!!


  1. 6 muslce + 30 Wall balls= one hand stand pushup at a time. In new garage so my target was only 9'6". I am going to add a ten foot target between the trusses and all will be good. I seriously felt like a gigantic vagina doing the hsps today, but they were all head touch.
    TT: 27:15

    Spealler can do approximately 3 rounds to my one. I am a gigantic vagina.

  2. Not feeling very well today... gonna rest and hope to feel better tomorrow so I can hit this up. Justin, never compare yourself to Spealler!

  3. Spealler's time is unreal. He makes everything look so easy. This was a tough WOD and I didn't even do it RX'd so Justin you are by no means a gigantic vagina.

    - Subbed 18 C2B's and 18 chair dips for Muscle-ups
    - Wall balls RX'd
    - HSPU's to ABMat, but man these are super hard for me still
    - Power Clean's RX'd

    TT: 23:35

    My ears are still ringing.


  4. I can't believe spealers time. My time was 16:45. first round was 4:00 and thought I was done after that one.

  5. Justin did you move? (you mention new garage)


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