Friday, January 28, 2011

Clean 7x3


  1. FAIL. I think the rowing and thrusters last two days did a number on my legs. I did squat cleans thru 155, then power cleans from there up to 195x2. Followed up with some back squats @195 and even those were heavy. That's sad, even for me. Hopefully no legs tomorrow (right).

    I finished Day 14 of PU/HSPU/RDs. Ring dips unbroken and I could have definitely done more, so at least something went well today. I seem to be doing these ladder days every two or three WODs, so it's gonna be a while before I finish out.

  2. Got a PR clean of 255# at my oly lifting traing today. I am learning a new way to hold the bar for the jerk and so my press, push press and push jerk were all pretty weak. The I did a front squat ass to ankles of 286. It is crazy how much harder it is to go below parrallel.

    Chas: my ladder ended after day 62. I just couldn't keep up after the end of the year hero wod should crushing festival.

  3. Did this one a few days ago, but haven't had a good internet connection at the house lately. Anyway, pretty weak.

    135, 155, 165, 175, 185x1, 185x1, 185x1, 135

    I haven't cleaned for a while, but I feel like my cleans just get progressively worse.

    Later fellas.


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