Wednesday, January 12, 2011

AMRAP 15: Row250m/25Push Up


  1. 7 rounds on the dot. Set my rower up to row 250m with 30 seconds of rest so it was ready to go for each round. Rowed each round faster than the last. I think my number is okay, but I expect it to be crushed by this group.

  2. Wouldn't you know it I done got myself a cold virus damn it. So I have to wait... I haven't been sick hardly at all in the past year but as soon as I start spouting off about Vitamin D to boost immunity, I get sick! This WOD has my name on it, but dude... 7 rounds is rock solid!!!! With Josh Everett getting 9, no one here is going to "crush" you. You did a round every 2 minutes and with rowing transitions that means you are doing 25 pushups in less than a minute 7 rounds straight. Awesome performance if you ask me!!!

  3. Justin, thanks for setting the bar so high. It pushed throughout this WOD. I subbed 25 45# SDHP's for the rows and it appears it was spot on for a sub. Push ups got extremely difficult in the middle rounds. I started round 7 with 1:47 to go, I told my self I have to finish before that damn timer goes off. I just finished at the buzzer. Tie goes to the WODoer right? : )

    7 Rounds, Ouch

    Chas you still digging out from all that snow? We only got about 6" from the storm, but now lake effect is in full force.

    Craig, one cold is not bad compared to what you went through last year. It's that time of year, just got over one myself.

    Later guys

  4. Wanted to post this where it belongs, subbed SDHP's cos was out of town. 8 rounds + 2 SDHP. I am thinking that rowing would slow me down because of transitions if nothing else.


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