Thursday, January 13, 2011

5rd: 20ghdsu/5PushPress


  1. WODoers: Used 135# cause I am working on some new stuff. Got crushed by the mainsite girls while using less weight, got to love it. GHDsu were slow as hell today. TT= 10:35

    Went to an initial assessment at

    Check it out. I think this guy has every certification possible. He is going to help me with my oly lifting. I have a shit load of stuff to work which is why I went with 135 today.

    Important tips to check how your knees are tracking when you squat. Standing parallel to the wall with your toe touching the wall your knee should touch the wall when you squat, I can do this. Next facing the wall you should be able to squat full depth with your toes touching the wall, I cannot do this yet.

    Peace fellas.

  2. I had my six month follow-up with the surgeon today and I'm very happy with the results. My shoulder has healed very well and he said he can tell that I've busted my ass rehabbing this sonofabitch. I went over CrossFit with him today and the types of things we do. He didn't have a problem with any of them but said stay away from incline bench press and don't go heavy overhead. His version of heavy and mine are 2 different things, but I have to use my head. So 115 maybe as heavy as I go overhead for quite awhile. Although I pushed 135 up not too long ago. Stupid I know, but I can't help myself.

    OK, I've gone off on a tangent long enough. For today's WOD:

    GHD's on the Yukon, 115# on the Push Jerks

    TT: 7:38

    My tiddies are sore as fuck from all those push ups.

    Later guys!

  3. Where did everyone go??

    Man do I hurt today. My core is SPANKED. So sore it hurts to cough. No rhabdo but holy shit.

    Anywho, it's Friday. Enjoy your weekend guys. Let's see what Tony B and HQ have in store for us this weekend.

  4. Hey guys - I am out here. I got sick, and I am in Aspen. I brought some kettle bells but I am just waiting to feel better damn it.

  5. Hey dudes - did this one after rope climbs. right around 10 minutes, subbed HSPUs for PJs. All HSPU's all the way down to head on floor. I put a video of how I have to do GHDs because of my back. This was the fifth and final round. I think these are about 75% as tough because I pause there and put arms out to the side.

  6. Actually maybe they are more like 90% as hard? They are hard this way. You don't get that rest at the bottom and you can't kip your body back up.


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