Friday, January 7, 2011



  1. WODoers: Have time restraints today so did 30 muscle ups for time. 6:41 pr!

  2. Sweet Justin.

    I did Rankel w/1.5pd KB and 250m rows.

    6 rounds + 6DL

    I should have pushed faster in the early rounds. I kind of paced myself but then found I was going harder later on, rather than slowing down (except for the BPUs, those started winding me). Rows I started out doing at ~1:55 splits, but then I was down to 1:50 or so by the end.

    We've gotten about a foot of snow so far today, still coming down a bit. Gonna hit it tomorrow first thing. So no guarantees on a WOD.

  3. Chas nice work. I got 7 rounds with about 30 seconds to spare. My back would have no more. This was alot harder then it looked on paper. That Miranda chick still beat me even doing it on the cruise ship. Enjoy that snow. We lucked out on that storm for once.

    Later guys

  4. Hey guys. My buddy Charlie (whom I introduced to CF) belongs to an affiliate, he has the family membership.... so he and his wife, and three kids go down there. Today Chelle and I went down there and they were doing some lifting, Back Squat 3's and bench press 3's. We all know how great I am at heavies and how my back, knee, and shoulder are all perfectly fine.

    So I did max weight with 3 reps of pistols for BS. It was the coaches idea, and it was really cool to have a coach there. He had me do the pistols up on a plyo box so I could really get down low and let my other leg hang down a little bit (it is hard to get all the way down with the other leg in L-Sit position while you are wearing a vest and holding dumbbells!) The idea was to mimic the load of a heavy back squat without loading my back.

    So I got up to 3 really deep and perfect (cos I had a coach there going "taht doesn't count, that one was good, get lower! get lower!) reps of 40 lbs weighted pistols. I think I could get heavier... next time BS heavies' come up on the main site I will try again.

    For bench... I did 225x5 x 4 sets. That was enough for me. We did some really good warm-up and cool down stuff. It was cool to be doing a WOD in a room full of CrossFitters. I really like that. It's nuts though, $200/month?!


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