Friday, January 21, 2011

LPullup/Pistol Decending Ladder

It is hard for me to go ALL of the way down every time with my left leg sometimes because it causes pain in my knee, but I think I always get ass below knees.


  1. WODoers: Did the l-pullups to a similar standard as the guy on the mainsite. If I let my arms fully lock out, then my L immediately collapses. The tip about touching toes was huge for my pistols. I did the first round to a 65cm exercise ball. The bounce from the ball at the bottom gave me confidence and I finished out the rest of the round going all the way down to the dynamax. A little more practice with dynamax and I should be doing them legit! Hell Ya! Love it when I figure out how to get rid of a goat. TT=14:39
    Touch those toes boys.

  2. 12:42 RX'd.

    All pistols were ass to ankles. I do them up on a plyo box so I can get really low better.

    Most LPU's were on rings, which is a lot harder for me... but I had a friend here today and he was on the bar most of the time. Core was still sore from the GHD/HSPU so tomorrow should be fun

  3. I didn't see the tip about touching toes, but I will post a vid of how I do these later so you can tell me if I am legit. Me thinks I am legit, I get way down there.

  4. Talk about goats. I can't really do either of these movements to full ROM (well maybe a couple of LPUs) so those tips were hugely helpful to me too. I scaled this baby back and it took me about 15mins:

    L/tuck PUs 15-12-9
    Pistols 20-16-12

    The PUs were mostly tucks, 1-3 per set and making sure I didn't use my leg raise as a kip. Pistols I started going down to my bench (~18ins) then moved it down just as a fallback. I'm still only able to get about to parallel though. But having that bench below me, and touching the toes, I did much better on these than ever before. Then Day 14 on HSPU/RDs.

  5. Justin and Craig thanks for the pointers. I did the pistols on my plyobox . Went down almost ass to ankles. Those things are hard. I did L-pulls on my bar. I tried to keep form as best as I could. My legs are feeling it big time and I slowed down 1-2 reps at a time on the pulls towards the end.

    TT: 11:17

  6. Chris good time there you madman. Maybe if I wasn't on my rings I would have been closer but I think you still woulda taken me down. Fine work. Fine work by all... keep the WOD's coming. I will be in Las Vegas next week for a massive Dell training extravaganza but will still try to WOD! I have to stay away from all of the "all you can drink of all you want for free" parties, of which there are MANY.

  7. Craig, you definitely would of beat me on the L's if you did them on the bar. Rings are alot harder. Im starting to be able to do more on my rings but not full ROM on dips. I'll get there.

  8. I dunno dude... 1:25 is a lot of time to make up. Good job getting ass to ankles on those pistols. I can already feel the soreness in my glutes from those


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