Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Total


  1. Yo wuddup guys... still under the weather some, but gave a WOD a try. Did the 15 min AMRAP rowing and pushups deal, but I am up in Aspen so I subbed SDHP. I got 8 rounds + 2 SDHP's at the buzzer. Ass kicker. Maybe that will make me feel better though? I will test the theory about rowing vs. SDHPs sometime. I think the sub is fair. SDHPs are harder on the muscles, but easier on the lungs...

  2. WODoers: Don't have weight to do total, so I did a couplet ladder sets of 1,2,3 etc... until 10. with 300lb deadlift and 16" flying pullup. I am happy to have my flying pullup bar back up in the new garage gym. Finishing with set of ten instead of starting is definitely a different feeling.

    Good wod, total time 16:47

  3. Hey guys - I'm back. I've been swamped on the road for the past week and then had some busy weekend days. I've been buried w/ work and family and the only workout I've gotten in was a half day of skiing yesterday; I even missed my snowshovel since I was in Cali for the blizzard and the missus took up the slack. My WOD today was jumping up and down for every Brady sack (AMRAP in one game = five plus a bonus INT). That game was some sweet corn, since I'm in Pats country and I love to see them lose.

    I'll be back at it this week. Best news of the past week is that my 8yo started his lacrosse career w/ his first clinic yesterday and he loves it. Isn't there something in the CF credo about learning and playing new sports?

  4. Chas glad to see you back. I hate the Pat's as well. Good to see Brady lose. No CFT for me today, but I did do the same lifts at a lower weight. It was play time in the gym today. Did all kinds of stuff in addition to the SP, BS and DL's. I love having my own gym. Tomorrow looks like the same with all those rope climbs. My fancy pull-up bar system from Rogue has arrived. I'm going to hang it out in the garage soon. I'll post pics when it's done.

    Later guys


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