Thursday, February 24, 2011

Row One Arm Snatch...a bunch


  1. I have oly lifting class tomorrow, so I did tabata dead hang pull ups, push ups, sit ups and squats. score was 2,8,14,14 I have a feeling the row snatch would have been quite counter productive to my day tomorrow.

    Just haven't been feeling fast on anything body weight lately. Can't wait for the snow to go away and start subing some running here and there. Started out with rounds of 6 on the dead hang pull ups. That worked until round five when my world collapsed with a score of two. What the fuck...two?? Finished out with 3s but was done and score was set.

  2. Wow I surprised myself big time, went out for blood today. Rowed hard and fast, did snatches in sets of 10,7 or 5 one hand, then switch hands, snatch pulls were from bar off floor height, like 6-8" from floor.

    TT 17:47! PR by a mile

  3. Full ass below knees squat snatch too... just to be sure ya'll know what I'm talkin' bout here

  4. I did this one as the front half of a double to try to catch up (as usual). I lost my stopwatch, so I tried to use the C2 to time myself. Set the "rest" time between rowing sessions 4 and 3 minutes, so it was good incentive to finish the snatches quickly.

    TT about 18 to 18:20. The C2 didn't keep a total running clock so I had to add it all together afterwards and don't remember my exact splits on rowing.

    Anyway...later fellas.


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