Saturday, February 12, 2011

15 mins of CTB's and 30 second ring L sit holds


  1. Oh man get ready for this one. This two moves don't go together very well. That is the most CTB's I've ever done in one WOD as well. Gonna feel that one tomorrow.

    5 rounds + 10 CTBs

    Very hard to hold legs level and straight, but I tried hard to be strict. At the end I was doing 4 second stints on the L sit holds. Good WOD, surprising... as usual.

  2. Helpful hint: I suggest you wear gloves... I DID wear gloves, and this one tore my hands up pretty good - WITH gloves.

  3. Tied you exactly Fletcher @5rds+10. I also had a really hard time staying in the L. In hindsight I should have done a bunch of hamstring strecthes/MWOD beforehand.

    No gloves for me. But since I have to stick my head thru the rafters to get full CTB ROM, a helmet might have helped. Coupla nice conks in there.

  4. Hey guys, I'm a day behind because I had to move my brother in-law yesterday. Lots of heavy lifting so I'm feeling pretty beat up today.

    Craig & Chas nice work fellas. I had you in my sights but came up short. CTB's were extremely diffcult on my bar today. L-sits I started each round with a 10 second hold, then 5 second holds for the most part. Maybe I'll hit the Clean and Jerks in a little while, but those won't be heavy for me.

    5 Rounds + 4 CTB's, I'm whooped.

    Peace out

  5. I guess I am last place on this one. 5 rounds exactly at the buzzer. I had about 12 pullup reps throughout the wod that I did not count because chest did not touch. Hard to go fast and not miss the bar once in a while.


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