Wednesday, February 2, 2011

OHS 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


  1. Lots of sore muscles today, so it took a while for me to loosen things up. I was kind of pressed for time, though, so I started light & with multiple reps after a quick warmup. I still made a PR, although since this is OHS my #s are nothing to brag about.

    95(x5)-115(x3)-125-135-135-145(old pr)-155pr

    Shaky shaky. 145 and 155 went down real slow. I guess I haven't done these in a while. I managed to squeeze in my ring dips & PUs but no HSPUs today.

  2. No OHS's for me today. My legs are fried and I really can't go heavy with these anyway with the shoulder. So today was a do whatever I want to do in the gym. I chose bench press. It's been a long time since we've met. This was the very root cause of my torn cuff. It started with a 270# PR on Christmas day 2009 and it was completely torn on a fine spring day March 2010 at Craig's Gym doing max rep bench press.

    Needless to say I've been a little apprehensive to do bench press again. So I went super light today.

    Bench Press: 65/15,115/10,135/10,155/10,135/10
    ABMat Situps: 20/20/20/20/20 betweens sets of bench
    Incline Flys on the BowFlex: 10/10/10

    Chas I'll congratulate you and the Huskies now. As they will almost certainly hand the 'Cuse their 5th loss in a row. Yes folks the wheels have officially come off the Orange Train after starting 18-0. Pathetic, that's all I have to say about that.

    Rest day Cometh.

    Peace out my brothers!

  3. Chas: Congradulations on the pr! Celebrate everyone of those.

    Oly lifting training today. I am sure you can all appreciate my unmitigated joy at learing we would be starting by working up to a one rep max thruster, after yesterday WTF???. Boy o boy was that fun after yesterday's wod. Got up to 220 and was done, but actually only just getting started. Did some split jerks up to 220 too. Then joy of joy, sets of 5 front squats. Got one set of five at 231 and then got a set of four at 242. I was done, but still had the old one rep max deadlift. Found out I have beeen rounding my back and we ran out of weight at 400 pounds. Holy shit this oly training is tough but I am excited to see where it takes me.

  4. Hey guys. WORK WORK WORK! My newish job is sometimes pretty easy, and sometimes I can't keep up no matter what. Chris, ARCADIS was easier usually, but I like this job better overall. Anyway....

    Just so you guys don't think I am a slacker I had to let you know that I made up the 1/25 WOD "muscle ups and squat a bunch". I gave a brutal sub.

    3 rounds of
    24 CTB pullups
    24 ring dips
    75 squats

    My body didn't like this WOD. Started going really slow on CTBs in round 2. TT 19:57 (5:38, 7:24, 6:59), Oh well, I certainly got me some exercise

  5. Two more things: 1) Chas, NICE WORK ON THE PR BABY!!! 2) the reason the MU/squats WOD was so nasty for me was that usually when I sub CTB/RD I partition them to more emulate the MU, today I did each move all in a row then moved on to the next. If anyone gives a rip...

  6. Did this one the other night, but haven't gotten around to posting until now. Anyway,

    115x3, 125, 135, 145, 155f

    I felt a bit shaky on this as well. Definitely need to work on these and incorporate them into the end of other workouts.


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