Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Deep HSP/Toes TR/WBclean AMRAMP 20


  1. WODoers: I scaled this one to accomodate a fuller range of motion. During warm up I was able to do one HSP to a stop 7" below the parrellettes, but that was it, so I used a stop 4" below the bars and did:

    1Hsp/5 toes over metolius bar/10 wb cleans

    It was still tougher than hell. I got ten rounds done and feel it was a good hero wod. Hope to honor Ledesma some day by doing it head to floor on the bars.

  2. This was a tough WOD. HSPU's to floor, no paralettes and I don't think I could do those yet anyway. Everything else RX'd. This one winded me good.

    8 Rounds + 2 HSPU's

    Peace out.

  3. Hey guys... I finished this a while ago and I still feel shaky. Believe it or not, I did it RX'd where PHSPU's were head to bumper where bumper was even with the top of the paralette tubes (so ROM was like normal HSPU's but up on parellettes is harder than normal HSPU's for sure). I couldn't go deeper without hurting myself. My oh my were those difficult. You guys know I can't do a lot of WODs RX'd because of my broken back so I just had to try it. It is hard to even get up there on the parellettes when you are whooped!

    Only got 7 rounds + 3 PHSPU's but I gave it my all - I am not disappointed. All TTRs were unbroken, resulting in lots of yelling in last few reps during last few sets. WBC's were surprisingly hard too....damn it coach!

  4. I'm glad to hear it wasn't just me on those damn Medicine ball cleans. Those things killed me. To top it all off I think I'm coming down with my annual case of bronchitis which makes breathing heavy not so fun.

    I'm going to build me some parallettes. Got that PDF of the CF Journal. Doesn't look to hard?

  5. and what were your results Mr. Simpson?

  6. Sorry dude.. I thought I read "Chas" there.. not "Chrissy Whissy".. my bad


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