Monday, February 14, 2011

Dumbbell 5's


  1. I jsut used my 50 pounders the whole time. Tried my 70's but during hang cleans felt my lower left back (the death zone) twinge pretty good.. so I dropped em and went back to 50's. I don't really like this WOD since I can't lift heavy. Oh well... that metcon I RX'd myself yesterday was a butt kicker though.

  2. I'm not sure exactly how you're supposed to score this WOD, but this time around I tried to make each weight unbroken. I don't have the dumbbells so I used a barbell.

    95-115-135(broken after HCs)-135(broken after PP)-135

    I know I could go heavier, but that'd be with breaks, which I think defeats the purpose of the WOD and makes it just lifting.

  3. What's up fellas? Coming up on 7 months post-op on my rotator cuff (this Saturday to be exact)Shoulder is coming along nicely but still gets real sore from working out. I know I talk about it alot, but to come back from this has been a challenge.

    Last time I did this I maxed out at 60 because that's all I have for dumbbells. Today I started off light but all sets were unbroken and never set the dumbbells down once.

    Set of 30 for warmup and to see if my shoulder would be ok.


    I like this WOD. I know I could go heavier, but I'm going to play it smart and just be happy to be back at this again.

  4. WODoers: I had a barbell, so I did this quite a bit different. I did unbroken.

    5 Deadlifts
    5 Hang Power Clean (my nemisis)
    5 Behind the neck hands to collars snatch grip push press
    5 Overhead squat
    45/65/75/95/105/115/125 failed on 3rd OHS/125 got it

    Doesn't sound like much weight but those overhead squats were killers at the end.

  5. "Behind the neck hands to collars snatch grip push press"...

    Justin, because of that move/description, the party is at your house tonight. I'm on my way with sleeping bag.

  6. Ma decided to come over for the weekend on Saturday. So, I didn't get in the gym after she got here. Anyway, I did this one as the front half of a double with the C&J's from yesterday. I also understood this one to say that the db's shouldn't leave your hands until completed.

    35, 45, 55, 65 f on cleans, 60 f on cleans

    I was able to sit on a bench and assist the db's up to shoulder height to finish the rounds I failed on the cleans. Anyway, fun one.

    Then, my buddy came in and wanted to challenge me on jumping rope.

    Round 1 - MJ 43 DU's in :30 / Chris 35
    Round 2 - MJ 50 / Chris 48
    Round 3 - MJ 145 SU's in :45 / Chris accepted defeat

    All in all a great night. Later fellas.


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