Tuesday, February 15, 2011

E V A ! ! !


  1. It's been awhile since I've done Eva and I forgot how much she suck's balls. This was painful.

    As RX'd: 47:08

    Pullups were brutal, my kip is lost on the new bar. Mainly deadhangs with a retarded kip in there somewhere. Ears are ringing and I'm drenched in sweat. My wife asked if she should call 911 for me. Nope I'm good, just can't breathe.


  2. What an awesome post. I can barely type this...

    TT 43:40


    Row400/Run400 each round (extra suck forearm killing here with the rowing)

    scaled to 54 lb KBS. Can't swing 2 pooder 150 times... a few months ago I did a WOD where I swung it 100 times (20x5) and my back had sharp pains for a couple of weeks.

    Great WOD. Ass kicker. Felt all dizzy and jacked up. I was kipping like I was doing CTB's in the last round. Only way I could get chin over bar.

  3. Nice work fellas, that is kick ass. I "had" to "miss out" on all the fun today to go to oly lifting class. Got a pr with a 242# clean and jerk and another pr with a 187# overhead squat. I really need to work on my overhead squats. My pr snatch is within 4 pounds of my best overhead squat.

    Bummer, I guess I will have to wait six months or so to completely wreck myself with eva again.

  4. Justinius the Very Very Strong, you can just do Eva today!! Yippee!!!!

    Here were my round times: 7:00, 8:30, 8:56, 9:36, 9:38

    The slow ones later were because of them pullups.

  5. A couple days behind. I had some papers due earlier in the week and got stupid drunk last night. I thought the pukey/dizzy/fainting feeling came from my liquid diet last night. So, it's nice to see that everybody else was about the same.

    Forgot the stopwatch today, so I din't know total time. But, I think that I'd be somewhere around one hour, maybe a bit less. What a bitch!


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