Thursday, February 17, 2011



  1. WODoers: Wanted sub 10 but got 10:45. It is a pr but I really need to work on double unders. The Spealer video on the main site is very helpful.

    On the debate of subs, there is no amount of single unders to equal double unders. Single unders use less energy than jerking off and require no coordination. Just do the double unders, even if it takes forever. You will know you are making progress when you whip you back on a miss and scream "FUUUUCK!!!" so loud that your neighbors come over to see if you are okay. Another good sign of progress is throwing the rope to ground, punching the wall, and tears or rage and frustration flowing from your eyes.

    If you don't agree, then go do some situps and jerk off, it will be more fun:)

  2. Justin nice PR! Sorry to disappoint, but I subbed 3:1 Singles for Doubles today. However I did practice some DU's before and after the WOD. I've got the welts to prove it. Very hard. I'm not a good jump roper but the one I've got is too long and heavy for DU's I think. I will get a good rope and practice these regularly promise.

    TT: 9:08

    Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go jerk off. : )


  3. Chelle wants to know what you boys thought of her 4 dead hangs? Give some love to the old lady boys. I didn't feel good today so skipped this one. Kelly tomorrow is an ass kicker. I hope I feel better cos' I need to hit that one.

  4. I'll send Chelle some love. Last time I was out there she was doing jumping PU's so kick ass job on the dead hangs. Look forward to working out in the Fletcher gym again some day. I think it's awesome you two WOD together, but you already knew that.

    February appears to be the month of the Girl WOD's. Kelly yippee, Eva's little sister. I'll try to hit this one later on. I've got hockey tonight so we'll see.

  5. Thanks Chris!!

    I suck SO BAD at DU's because I never practice them, but I still do them. If you can do 1 DU, you can do 150, it just might take a while. Why not just do them? It still doesnt' take THAT long and you are working on a skill.

    It's a mentally frustrating WOD for me, I have to keep from getting angry. I go single-double-single-double usually, today I rarely even got that far, usually it was single-double-fail. TT 15:16. Drove me nuts. All situps unbroken at least. Situps were strict too, ass 12" from feet (if I started to creep back I scooted back up to make it harder), shoulders flat on the ground every rep and looking straight up at the cieling, assures full ROM.

  6. This included a 20-30 second stop in there to re-tie my shoes in a double knot....

  7. Did this one yesterday afternoon. Sit-ups were very shitty for me for some reason. DU practice really paid off though. I was also hoping for sub-10, but failed.

    TT = 10:39

    Best DU run was 45 on first round, and only 1 break in last 3 rounds. My key is just rhythm, same as single-unders just with a little higher jump but same arm speed throughout. Fletch, once you can start stringing DU's together without the single catch-up you'll never go back.

    Off to the gym to catch up some more. Later fellas.


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