Friday, February 18, 2011

Kelly..Eva's little sister

Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Box jump, 24 inch box
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball


  1. Sex is good for you. That is all...

  2. Fletcher: Those pullups are looking good. Check out the recent journal article on improving body weight moves. Once per 3 on cylce, have her do 20 minutes of 1 or 2 perfect form dead hangs every minute. This can be done as part of a warm up or cool down. They reported great results using this kind of volume work. Form is the key. Also, avoid adding it to a day with pullups for obvious reasons.

    I did this 500m rowing style today and it destroyed me. I don't think all those double unders from yesterday helped me much either. Fuuuuck, was I slow today. TT=32:50

  3. Hey guys, I'm playing serious catchup this cycle. Work blah blah. So far I've only managed to squeeze in a modified half-Eva:

    5rds of
    500m row
    15 swings, 1.5pd KB
    15 pushups

    TT = 17:25

    The halving and mods made it a much different WOD, focusing on speed instead of the mental slog. Lungburner though. I'll try to fit in the other girls this weekend and get started on the next cycle before VACA! next week. Skiing in VT and NH starting on Tuesday.

  4. This is an ass kicker, there is no doubt. I subbed 500M rows, which were taking me longer than my buddy Heath who is 5'3" and was running 400's. Also, first time I have done 10' wall ball's on Kelly (around the side of the house). I've said it before, there is a noticeable difference between 9 footers and 10 footers.

    TT: 27:35

    Leg burner!

  5. Wow what an ass kicker, but I liked it. Day behind so just got to this now. I lost time in the treadmill both waiting for it to get up to speed and walking up and down the stairs to get to it. But it did give me a little break to catch my breath. Sweated out the beers from last nights hockey game, that's for sure. I started the last round around the 22 minute mark and I had Fletcher in my sights. Thanks for setting the bar high because it pushed me hard.

    TT: 26:48

    Craig great time on the rower. Rowing is definitely harder then running or different anyway.

    Enjoy your weekend guys!

  6. Good job Chris - and damn you! Got them 24 inch box jumps going now? I had to run around to the side of the house before/after BJ's but frankly I think that's just fine, gives me a chance to breath like you're sayin'... I can't say it really slows me down. The only real accomplishment I was proud of here was the last set of WB's was unbroken. That was hard...

  7. Still a day late on WOD's. Hopefully I can catch up tomorrow with a day off from school for President's Day. Anyway, I did side-to-side jumps over the medicine ball in place of box jumps. Otherwise as rx'ed.

    tt - 29:34

    Later fellas.


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