Wednesday, April 20, 2011

CrossFit Games Open: Round 5

Complete as many rounds and reps in 20 minutes of:
145 pound Power clean, 5 reps
10 Toes to bar
15 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball


  1. Yoyoyo dudebeesnatches! This one actually looks fun and bad ass. I am in a hotel with my laptop on my lap top. Just thought I'd post the post. I need to take a rest day tomorrow.... my customers and I are getting picked up in 7 hours and I haven't packed, slept, or showered.. and I just had me plenty of wine. So kill this thing. I still have to make up the body weight WOD (even though I crushed myself today with my badass 51 year old buddy).. I look forward to hitting this one over the weekend. Kill it!!! Get angry!!! ARRRRRGHGGHHHGGGHHRRHHHH!!!!

  2. Fletcher: Only a truly sick bastard would look forward to this many toes to bars, which is part of why we all like you so much.

    WODoers: Found my mojo in about the third round and started moving. I did my on the rings so I had a double swing at the bottom of the ttb which may have slowed me down a tad, but based on the post wod cramping I am experiencing in my stomach, I doubt I could have done many more on a bar.
    7 rounds + 5 cleans + 2 TTB = suck

  3. I meant to do this one last night, but just didn't make enough time to get to it. And, I'm off to Seattle for the weekend with a case study competition at UW. So, I'll probably be out of commission for this cycle. Later fellas.

  4. Fletcher don't drink and blog.

    No DFL for me today:

    8rds + 5cleans

    I used 1pd KB tosses for WBs. TTB hurt like a bitch after all those situps a couple days ago. Just prolongs the DOMS...

  5. Nice work guys! Chas I had you in my sights. Your email came in just as I was getting ready to start this ass kicker. I came up short though. 7 Rounds + 5 Cleans + 10 TTB + 7 WB's

    Justin I think the rings would definitely be harder to do the TTB, but that's how you roll. : )

    Party as Chas's house, unless Craig comes up big. I was laughing my ass off at your post Craig. Instead of drunk dialing you were drunk blogging. Priceless

    Later guys

  6. I hope everyone who did this WOD is feeling as good as I am today. My AB's feel like someone hit me with a baseball bat.

    TGIF fellas!

  7. Man am I am idiot or what? It always sounds good when you are buzzed but the next day I read this and thought "I'm an idiot." Haha.

    I really hit this hard. So much so that I thought I was going out.

    I scaled the PC's to 115

    10 rounds + 5 PCs + 2 TTB's

    First 4 rounds were done in 6:28, I flew early.

    Forearms are useless!!

    Not sure I can say the party is at my house since I pulled 20 lbs off of the PC's. Let's just all party at our own houses. It's Friday after all.


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