Friday, April 29, 2011


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
Run 400 meters
Max rep Handstand push-up


  1. Wuddup dudes? Mikey I am surprised at how much ass you've been kicking and then the slow ass rowing time :-). I know you can row faster. Keep a rigid spine, do big pulls in 3 phases, leg thrust, upper torso with straight back and pull, then pull with arms all the way through where the height keeps the chain parallel with the ground (chain sould be in a straight line) and put the damper on 4 or 5. Pace... set your pace right away and don't gas out early. Then ignore those messages in your head that say you are going to die and hang on.

    Today was interesting WOD. I was going to alternate run 400M/row 500M but after 2 rounds of running I stopped that, it was hurting me.

    Rope climbs were legless from ass to 9' touch where I wouldn't reach for the touch, climbed right up to it.

    6 rounds + rope climb + 140M row

    HSPU's were head to floor. Did better than I thought on those. 8,8,7,6,5,5 It's weird with those. When I am totally winded I just get into position right away anyway, and somehow I am not as out of breath when I am upside down?

    Pretty much never stopped in this WOD for more than a few seconds.


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