Monday, April 11, 2011

Shoulder Press 2x10 1 minute rest


  1. I pussed on fgb today, still way too sore from those squat cleans. I mixed this one up a bit, didn't do it speed day style. I went for more weight.

    Then finished off with tabata ring dips.
    Score = 5
    last time I tried for 6 I ended up with a score of two because I flat died in round 7. Five was easy, so I will try for six again next time.

  2. SP is not my strong suit, but today will ultimately help me with my HSPUs. My 1RM is only 140, so I did this WOD with 115. I went up to 125 for one set, but it went up pretty tough and I knew I'd end up push-pressing it the next so I went back down for the rest. It's surprising how much difference 10# makes at that weight level.

  3. I probably should of made this a speed day, but I love shoulder WOD's. I stopped myself at 145 because I have to but still a good workout.


  4. Hey, sorry for the absence again lately. I went home last Thursday for a long weekend to help Ma with some yardwork and just to get away for a little while. Anyway, back on the doubles kick to get back caught up. Did the run-rest-run-rest WOD, then this one.

    135, 35, 45, 45, 55, 55, 65, 65, 65(1), 65 (PP)

    Later fellas.


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