Monday, April 18, 2011

Sprints and Body Weight Shit

Three rounds for time of:
Run 100 meters
50 Push-ups
Run 100 meters
50 Sit-ups
Run 100 meters
50 Squats
Run 100 meters
50 Back extensions


  1. This was a tough WOD for me. Pushups got real hard in the second and third round. I used the ABMat for situps, squats ass to ankles and back extensions on the GHD. I was happy when this was over.

    R1- 9:05
    R2- 9:50
    R3- 9:31

    TT: 28:30

  2. My experience on this WOD is the exact same as Chris' was. I did everything on the bball court, thinking down and back was about the same as 100m. I subbed 45# db straight leg DL's for BE's. I did some BE's on the BE machine after the workout and think that those were actually a bit easier. Blah, blah, blah

    TT = 29:11

    Did you guys see that guy that ran a marathon in just over 2 hours?!! I don't care if that's wind-aided or downhill or in a Flinstone car. That's incredible!

  3. Fuck you guys. I had to take about a 1min break after the first set to answer an email but still DFL.

    TT = 31:25

    I did 100m rows for the sprints, and it's hard to tell of those are faster or slower; about 18-20secs per sprint, plus strapping in and out. So maybe that's part of the time difference from you guys, but otherwise I'll guarantee it was in the pushups. Man those slow me down. Still a good WOD though.

  4. This morning I met a customer/friend in the gym for a little first taste of CrossFit. These guy is different than most though... 51 years old, works out hard and fast every day doing circuit type stuff, bikes to work every day, doesn't drink, father of EIGHT, and literally 7 feet tall. He said his college aged kids who have volleyball scholarships get sick when they try to keep up with him, so I knew I was in for it.

    We did 3 rounds of:
    10 DB clean and jerks (Craig 35's, Brett 25's)
    20 alternating leg jump lunges
    30 burpees
    40 butterfly situps

    And you guessed it, the burpees were the worst.

    20 minutes on the nose, we finshed in parallel. I was impressed with Brett, he pushed me. We never stopped really except for a drink of water in between rounds because the Westin gym is like 90 degrees. I hate that... this place (in Austin) was like that last time too!

  5. Chas, I know that my rowing time would be a lot slower than my running time. But, my running time was in the 20 second average. So, comparing you and me, I think the sub is fair.

    Fletcher, that 51 year old sounds like a stud. I hope I can still do that when I'm 51.

  6. Chas awesome post! I would say fair sub, my times on the sprints were in the 20 second range as well. If I rowed I would be slower in transition as well.

    Good job fellas!

    Craig that sounds like a great WOD, might try that one some day.

  7. It went like this: 8:04, 10:12, 10:11 TT 28:27

    Chris I guess I got you by 3 lousy seconds. I was running up and down a hill too which sucked a littel extra, but whatever. Great WOD.


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