Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Weekend Chipper: 12 moves, 298 Reps

Happy Easter! He is Risen.


  1. Missed 253# clean and jerk yesterday. It was so frickin close I will be pissed util I get it.

    Today me = sore as fuck. Did this as much to loosen up the body as anything. 19:45. At least I didn't get doubled up by the mainsite times.

  2. Couple subs for me.

    20 side to side over barbell for DU's
    30 Dead hangs for rope climbs.

    I banged the shit out my knee on the DB Hang Squat cleans. I rolled around on the ground like a little bitch moaning for a couple seconds then sucked it up to finish. Tough WOD

    TT: 20:18

    I've got to go ice my vagina now.

    Happy Easter Everyone!

  3. Justin 253 is damn impressive man. I know you will get it you strong sonofabitch!

  4. Justin I remember before I jacked my back that I was all proud of myself for doing a 250 lb hang power clean. 255 squat clean and jerk is SICK.

    Dudes, my only concern here is that you won't believe me. To preface, I weighed myself at 221.7 this morning. Fighting weight for me is 212. All of this travel, not sleeping good, not eating right, and drinking more than I should has packed on TEN POUNDS in short time. I was pissed. I am committed to losing 6 or 7 pounds in a week. Strict paleo, no bread or starches, no dessert or sweets, and busting ass in the gym as if my life depended on it.

    I scaled the KBS to 54 lbs, everything else RX'd, even the suck ass double unders. Rope climbs were legless from ass to 9'4" target.

    TT 14:48.

    I surprised myself by doing the pullups, situps, box jumps, back extensions, and wall balls unbroken. Even more surprising perhaps was that I took one quick rest on K2E's and HSC's, going 10/10 on those, and the rope climbs had no failed attempts.

    Tomorrow I row, and I am already nervous about it. I hate the 2K row. That's the one WOD I quit more often than I finish when going for the PR.

  5. Nice work Fletcher. I believe you man.

    Not quite so fast back east here. I did:

    25 walking lunges
    20 pullups
    50 box jumps (20")
    20 tuck jumps (r-l over barbell)
    25 ring dips
    20 KTE
    30 KB 1.5pd (no 2pd)
    30 situps
    20 HSC 95# barbell
    25 good mornings 45#
    30 45# thrusters
    45 jumping PUs

    TT = 21:45

    So that's a 30sec improvement over last time. I'll take it. Craig I might make up the row on the next rest day.


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