Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1


  1. Worked up to 5x3 185# power clean. Then worked up to a push jerk with 145 on the bar and 80# of band resistance at the top. Kinda a mix of westside and oly lifting. Ran out of time, so no snatch balance today.

  2. 370# pr baby. Emptied my weight rack to do it. Now I gotta go get some more plates...

  3. Way to go Chas!

    I was happy with my lift tonight too. I asked one of my friends for some help a while back and he told me to narrow my stance a bit and pull my grip in as well. So, I have been working on that and felt way better than usual tonight.

    315, 345, 365, 385f, 385, 395f

    I would like to get up into the 4's, but am happy with what I got tonight.


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