Tuesday, April 5, 2011



  1. Did a double yesterday, and the PU/dip area was packed today, so I jumped ahead by a day.

    3 rounds:
    800m on track
    50 BE / 50 SU

    TT = 26:36

    That last run was pretty tough with a stiff back, but I made er through. Go smoke this one fellas! Later.

  2. WODoers: My body did not react well to this. I did row 1000m, 50 ghdsitups, 50 back ex. Holy hell. My abs almost cramped up solid on the first round of situps. I truly do not know how I finished. TT=35:24

  3. Hey dudes. Got home from a most excellent work/leisure trip to Aspen. Sunday we had a foot of powder. Rode hard all day but the legs held up well. So much fun. Sitting on a plane right now posting from my phone. First time doing that! Got up at 5 this morning to knock this out. Subbed 1000M rows in 23:11. Don't know if that's a PR or not but it felt good. Justin I was like "what!?" when I read your April fool's post.

  4. Justin you did GHDs? CRAZY BASTAGE!!

  5. Fletcher you JUST got me, I scored about 23:15. Same WOD w/ 1K rows. The last time I did this w/ rows, I made 22:40 somehow. I think it was last night's celebrating that got me. So psyched about that game.

    Justin you're a masochist.


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