Friday, April 22, 2011

Row 2K



  1. 7:10.1 PR by one tenth of a second. Disappointed though... I didn't feel uttterly and completely destroyed at the end, which means I could have rowed harder. I have felt totally wrecked after the past two WOD's though.

    I think I paced too much in the first 500M, otherwise I think I could shave 3-5 seconds off of this. I've always hoped to get sub 7, and maybe I will someday... which would require more erg training. With so much fun stuff to do in the gym it's hard for me to be motivated to sit on the erg all the time.

    That dude getting 6:23 in the site is world class. Truly sick!

    Can't wait to see what Chris does 200 45 lb SDHP's in :-)

  2. BTW - rowing is weird like this. When I am rowing, it doesn't bother my legs very much. But when I got off of the rower I could hardly walk for a few minutes, my legs were literally wobbly. Silly rower.

  3. I was happy about my time until I just read Fletcher's post. I think mine is still a PR, so whatever.

    TT = 8:54

    I started out at a 2:17/500m pace then gradually increased until I was at about a 2:10 pace by the end. I always try to do what the directions on the C2 tell me to do, but I obviously need to try something different to improve this. Anybody have ideas?


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