Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Guaranteed PR if you Want Snatch 1-1-1-1-1


  1. WODoers: I can guarantee a snatch PR if you follow this warm up. The proper warm up is so important, my coach has taught me this. Start with the bar and do this.

    3 power snatch from ground, 2 hang squat snatch, 1 snatch balance, 1 overhead squat

    increase weight until the 2 hang squat snatches become very hard, then switch to

    1 snatch and 1 hang squat snatch

    do that until the 1 hang squat snatch becomes a max effor

    then switch to sets of 1 snatch, slowly add weight, about 5 pounds at a time until you get a pr or maybe two.

    Enjoy your prs boys!!

    I mixed it up a little today and got me a 15# pr in the power snatch at 165#, totaly smooth. Fuck yeah. I think I will be going for a snatch pr on Friday so I didn't want to mess up my coaches plan.

  2. I tried Justin's warmup to PR process, but didn't do it exactly right. Either way I think that I got a PR of at least 5 if not 10 pounds.

    130 on the PR for me

    135 was incredibly tough. I failed on it about 3 times. It's always incredible to me that some lifts it only takes 5 pounds to go from decent to absolutely not getting it. Anyway, feeling sore as hell lately. Glad today was a light one. Later fellas.

  3. Justin awesome advice for a warmup. This seem to help me alot and I do believe I got a PR at 125. Snatches are pretty hard on the shoulder so I'm not sure I'd want to go much heavier.

    Mike, I'm right there with you, sore as hell. I had to take a rest day yesterday because of that.

    Viva La CrossFit!


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