Monday, May 9, 2011

C2B, Wall Balls and Kettlebell Swings

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Chest to bar Pull-ups
10 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
15 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood


  1. This one really got the heart beating. I wanted 10 rounds didn't happen. Still a great WOD.

    8 Rounds + 5 C2B's + 4 Wall balls

  2. Hey guys, I got sick, so I am waiting to get better to hit these up. Great cycle though, looking forward to it. We CrossFitters are weird like that.

  3. I am missing the wods, but the oly gains are pretty hard to ignore. This weeks warm up, not for time. Run 2 miles 50 single unders 50 double unders 20 burpees. Monday. Power cleans up to 225, band weighted ring dips 5x8. Rope climbs against the band x 3. Those were crazy, seventy pound sand bag was starting to pull up off the ground at the end.

    Today worked up to 175x5 OHS pr!

    I will try to hit a met con on Sunday.

  4. 5 bucks

  5. I used my rings to get full clearance and avoid the Fletcher penalty. 45# thrusters for WBs.

    10rds even in 19:45

    Justin if you're going to hit a metcon, I'd suggest the thruster/burpee one. Toughest one of this cycle in my view. Unless something else comes up before Sunday...

  6. Hey dudes. First full speed WOD in a while. Mostly over that horrible flu deal. Did it RX'd and got 10 rounds + 5 CTBs. Party at my house?

    Tried the thruster/burpee WOD two days ago, got 2 rounds in 6 minutes and just felt like shit. I wasn't ready for that. Golfed all day yesterday. I am back on track now, ready to take on WODs consistently!


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