Friday, May 13, 2011

Run / 7 MU's


  1. Did this one last night. Subbed 3:1 PU's/dips for muscle ups.

    Total - 3 rounds in 19:38

    I really hit a wall during the running portion of the 3rd round. I was hoping to at least complete the running portion of the 4th round before running out of time, but didn't.

    Think I'm going to skip the CFT today for the ThrusterBurpee Suckfest and possibly the C2B, WB, KB WOD's. We'll see. Later fellas.

  2. I did 500m rows and MU progressions (from knees). I like those because I get to work on the transition & catch. I kept all the rows at 1:42-1:45.

    4 rounds + 500m

  3. Looks like I got this one. As rx'd five rounds + 500m. Wanted one extra muscle up but I crossed the line at the buzzer.


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