Saturday, May 7, 2011

Power Snatch, Big Box J's, CTB's

21-15-9 reps for time of:
24" Box jump
75 pound Power snatch
Chest to bar Pull-up


  1. Will do this later today or tomorrow. Just did Jeremy and my legs are on fire! Not traveling for a few weeks, so I am committed to excellent nutrition and hitting WODs up HARD. Let's get after it guys, let's recommit and get serious!!!! Summer is coming, you want that hot bikini body don't you?!?!

  2. TT = 8:35

    My PUs weren't exactly CtB because of my ceiling, but pulled through as far as my space would allow. This was a lungburner.

    Fortunately I didn't read Fletcher's post beforehand, so I didn't have a picture of him in a thong during the WOD. Enjoy that the rest of you guys.

  3. Chas that is a smoking hot time. WOW! Only two minutes longer than Kevin Montoya, the guy that usually does WODs in the half the time as us? Amazing. I predict a party at your house... but how much penalty do you get for no full ROM on the CTBs? 12 minutes sounds good.

  4. I too predict a party at my house, but only because I'm about to turn 40 and apparently there will, actually, be a party at my house.

    I thought about going back to the rings to get a CtB equivalent, but for some reason I didn't do it. I don't know why, but my giner told me just to do them on the bar.

  5. Happy Birthday Chas!

    Ran the mother's day 5k here on Saturday in the rain. 27:24. Not great, but not bad considering how sore I was from the C&J the day before.

  6. Happy Belated Birthday Chas! I'm still here guys, still do the WOD's just haven't been posting. My times have been horrible. I've been having a tough time, but pushing my way through it.

    Chas kick ass time not even close to you.

    TT: 11:32

  7. Well, about 10 days late, but I got it in.

    TT = 10:23


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