Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Thruster 2-2-2-2-2


  1. Run 3 miles then work up to 270# behind the neck jerk. PR!

  2. Way to go Kook! I would love to say that your video inspired me to do my workout tonight, but I watched it after I worked out.

    I did some sprint work as if I were getting ready for 2-a-days coming in the fall. (but I'm at leastt 8 years past those years) Anyway, did sprint work, then went on to the thrusters:

    135, 165, 185, 205, 215, 225(f)

    I thought I was getting close to failure at 205, but couldn't believe how good 215 felt. Then, I vagaina'ed/scared myself out of 225 attempt and felt like my right wrist felt was gonna fall off as I brought the weight back down to shoulder level.

    Either way, I was excited with 215, so I'm gonna stick with that feeling.

  3. That was awesome! You made it look easy, no yelling either?

  4. My coach has taught me that yelling is for power lifting. Oly lifting takes too much form and technique to just go for it. Watch how calm the guys look in the olympics. Oly lifting is about breath control and being really fired up, but not too fired up. It is weird too, it either goes up fast and easy or not at all!


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