Sunday, May 29, 2011


21-15-9 for time:
315# Deadlift
30" Box Jump


  1. I did this yesterday morning. I scaled the DLs to 275#, but even so I'm feeling them today.

    TT = 10:20

    Going to try to fit in the MU/snatch WOD sometime today, subbed & scaled.

  2. Drove 1500 miles in the last week, just been trying to run here and there. Had a terrible day oly lifting on Friday. Going to hit this tomorrow after another two hour drive. I will use 315 but throw on 20# vest with 24 inch box jumps. Nice time chas.

  3. My shoulders are smoked from yesterday's WOD. I scaled as well today to 275. This workout sucked the life right out of me. Party is at Chas's house unless Justin comes up big. I only did 24" box jumps and came in at 8:38. Nice time Chas! Justin I know you will kill this one. Doing this RX'd is impressive. At 275 I wanted to die.

  4. Justin that's a funny one!! Throw on the vest, why not? LOL. My family and I are renting a house RIGHT on the beach in Santa Cruz. It does not suck. Started the day off right with a vacation WOD that made you guys proud. 5 rounds of 40 pushups and 30 situps. Freakin hurtin after that!! My core feels all hot, literally. Like it got abused. Didn't time it - kids were running all around, jumping on me, etc. which made it all the more interesting. We're going on a whale watching deal today. Hope we see some! If we do, I shall post a pic.

  5. 9:57 DL @ 315# 24" box jumps wearing 20# vest. That was a tough wod. Someone who has a 30" box and a 24" box and a 20# vest will have to be the judge of whether that is a fair sub or not.


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