Thursday, May 26, 2011

CTB's + L-sits


  1. I did this one last night after a long drive to Hermiston, OR for a job interview with the largest onion producer in the US, then a long drive back.

    My L-sits were pretty suspect, so I switched to 30 leg lifters from the ground by round 2.

    Total rounds = 4

    Tomorrow should be fun. Later fellas.

  2. Where are the dudes? Chris where ya at bud?

    I am sitting in a cold wet cabin in the N. Cal. mountains in a three day rain storm. Great vacation. 4 kids slept in here last night. Anyway Chelle and I just took the kids to grammies trailer so we could do some sort of WOD. We did tabata cabin style:

    Jump lunges
    mason twists (on ass, feet held out in front, twist upper body back and forth hitting knuckles on the floor on each side)
    steam engines (P90X move)

    Jump lunges tabata style are not fun. Much harder than squats. Try it out.

    Hopefully it will stop raining so we can get out on the golf course. Sunday we head to Santa Cruz for 3 days in a beach house. Perhaps I shall post a pic!

  3. I'm here just laying low. Still doing the WOD's just haven't been posting. I'll start posting again though.

    I only managed 5 rounds on this one. About 4 reps short of the last time, but still an ass kicker. CTB's got real hard in the middle rounds.

    I'm going to hit the Run HSPU Row WOD shortly.

    Craig I got your email, maybe we can talk when you get back from vacation.

    Later fellas

  4. I got 5 rounds + 7 CTB's. Those L Sits are hard! 3 reps short of last time. I was tired today, was up til 1AM and then up early... but still got er done.


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