Friday, May 13, 2011



  1. I figured a metcon would be better for me than a meathead day. Maybe, I'll get a meathead/metcon day in tomorrow. Anyway, I did the ThrusterBurpeeSuckfest today - very fitting name.

    5 rounds of:
    15 95# thrusters
    15 bar-facing burpees

    TT = 18:03

    Wanted to the the C2B/WB/KB workout, but couldn't talk myself into it after the first WOD. Later fellas.

  2. Meathead day for me.

    BS 265 pr
    DL 370 matched pr
    SP 145 matched pr

    Total 780 pr by 15#

  3. Way to stay at work boys. That cold I am still getting over was one of the worst, I think it was/is the real deal flu. So achy, getting worse even at day 6... but today I did a WOD in slow motion because it has been 8 days, just wanted to test things out. Had to go slow because of all of the congestion and achiness. I did the 21-15-9 PS's, 24" BJs, and CTB's. 12:54 which is irrelevant. Not even sure why I turned on the timer. It was just good to move. Did a 500M row slow, and the CFWU 1/2 reps x 3 rounds. Hopefully I will start progressively feeling better, I got WHOOPED!!

  4. Did the CFT today as tomorrow is a mandatory rest day with the school gym closed down on Sunday's for the summer.

    Squats - 375 - PMFR by 10#
    Press - 185 - failed at 190x2
    Deads - 385 - failed at 405x2

    Total - 945 - close to if not a PR

    Deads are feeling better and better every time I do them with my new grip/stance. I got 405 off the ground, just couldn't get it past my knees to lock it out. So that is an improvement as I used to either be a go or no-go, no in between.

    Then, at the end of my workout my ex-GU basketball buddy came in and we did about 30 minutes of plyos, ladder work, and DU's. So, I'm pretty whooped. Have a good weekend! Later fellas.

  5. WODoers: I missed a 190# snatch about seven times in a row on Friday, just about lost it. Ran the nast hill today in 8:15 not a pr, but not bad for the first time of the year. I think tomorrow run muscle up wod followed by some heavy front squats.


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