Thursday, February 16, 2012

21-15-9 115# PC/Thruster


  1. Fuck me, I should have scaled this one. Almost two months off is a LONG time. I thought about using 95# but then decided to just work through it. I figured as long as I could keep it under 20mins it'd be worth it. I'm on the fence on that now.

    TT = 19:15

    Somebody better come in at half my time.

  2. I am fighting a nasty head cold and cannot breath, but I couldn't stand another day of doing nothing, so I went for it. Plenty of time bent over gasping for air. TT=11:35.

    I think this wod would be great with lungs that work.

    Glad to see you back Chas. Watch out for Rhabdo. Not joking, I've heard one the biggest risk is taking a prolonged break and then coming back 100%. Your brain is ready but your body is not.

  3. What's up fellas! Welcome back Chas! I've been fighting strep throat and a nasty cold the past week myself. I'm feeling good enough to WOD again, so you'll see me posting on a more consistent basis. Craig I bought that same rope, I just need to practice, practice and then practice some more. I'm just not that good a jump rope in general.

    In other news, there is a new CF Box that just opened up literally 5 minutes from my house. I may check it out. It's good to see some of the old posters back at it again and some new ones hitting hard.

    Glad to be back!

  4. First WOD in over a week so I decided to scale to 95#. I'm glad I did because this one winded me good.

    TT: 10:17

    It felt good to workout again.

  5. I did this one last night. 115# thrusters were a lot heavier than I expected. Cleans were good though.

    TT = 9:33

    Off to the gym. Later fellas.

  6. I thought my shoulder was ready to party but after about 6 thrusters the knifing pain made me smart, I stopped doing thrusters and picked up with 2:1 pushups. Gotta be patient with injuries. I've come to terms with the fact that I'm 40, I have stuff wrong with my body, I workout very hard, and being sore and hurt will just be a part of my life that I have to work around. I guess being in pain a lot is the reward I get for not sitting on my ass.

    TT 7:32 with PC's RX'd, 6 thrusters, and about 85 pushups. Still left me gasping for air big time.

    Oh, I did Ab Ripper X before this, an old school P90X video of bodyweight ab/core moves. It is hard. Think I'll incorporate that more often, it's nothing but good for ya.


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