Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Chipper - HSPU-T2B-Run-PP-DU

For time:
25 Handstand push-ups
50 Toes-to-bar
Run 800 meters
75 pound Push press, 75 reps
150 Double-unders


  1. Tough WOD. I tried to do everything RX'd including the Double Unders but those things are just plain hard. T2B's sucked big time!! I can't say I did 150 DU's but I gave it may all. Not a great time but it was a good workout.

    TT: 21:08

  2. This ruined me completely. Subbed 60 pushups for HSPU's cos my shoulder..... went slow as hell on the PP's, had 15:24 after the PPs then the DU's took me 9:18!! I had an AWFUL time with them, it sucked. I couldn't breathe, kept missing, etc.

    TERRIBLE. Got my metcon on though, that is for sure!!


  3. WOW!!! Ass-KICKER! My shoulders are still shuddering. I tried teh HSPU's using weights for hand placement, but after 12 it hurt my wrist so I just did palms on floor for the rest of them. TTB suck.. no other word for them. My hands and forearms were cooked by 30, but you press on. 800 meters I did in 4:10... blah and PP's were ok. I did 20 on my first set, but could only muster 12 at the most for a single set. Seemed never ending. DU's... laugh. I practiced before this but I really think it's a combo of the plastic rope and my skill set. I can't rotate the rope around fast enough, so knowing this, I did a set of 300 singles. 2 sets of 150!! My calves were burning as were forearms and lungs. Fun stff!!
    TT 20:57

  4. Great posts guys!! Wyatt, don't think I am talking shit here.. but seriously, a 4:1 ratio is much more reasonable for single to double unders until you get really good at DU's. 600 singles would have been closer. Or... riddle me this: How many singles can you do in 8 or 9 minutes? :-)

    Chris, what do you think? You are new to the DU world...

  5. I guess I never thought of it that way. How many can I do in 9 minutes? I might just try it. It's always hard subbing one exercise for another and I'd rather not, but sometimes you just gotta do what you can.

  6. Not sure that 9 minutes is a very good measuring stick really... I had a very bad time with these today and I was totally gassed. I bet normally I can do 150 in 6 minutes. I am only OK at best at DU's. When Heath and I work out together he does 4:1 and we get done about the same time with jump rope.

  7. The type of rope makes all the difference in the world. Rogue Fitness sells some good ones. My DU's are a work in progress, but I have to agree they are definitely more taxing than singles. Ratio wise I don't really know. They kick your ass good though!

  8. I think the best way to know is to do 50 DUs.. rest a few minutes, and then see how many SU's you can do in the same amount of time. But you need a speed rope from Rogue Fitness. They are under $20 shipped.


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