Saturday, February 25, 2012


Saturday 120225

Complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of:
11 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
2 Deadlifts, 315 pounds
10 Handstand push-ups


  1. OK.. I'll be the proverbial "rabbit" today.
    This was a total ass kicker! I'll tell you what the mother fucker of this WOD is.. 11. That's right, that extra pullup each round got into my head. I am proud of today's effort though and earned every rep. I don't have a bar for the pullups, so I did full extension 1 count and the top. Also, w/my shitty back, no way I'm doing 315 Dl, but I did do 150# and I'm happy w/that. First time I've deadlifted since my back injury. Also, the last rep on HSPU's... took 3 attempts!
    7 exact rounds. finished @24:36. No way I wanted to even attempt another pullup. Enjoy fire breathers!

  2. Hey!! I didn't give myself enough credit. My DL was 165#. I'll take it.

  3. Did this one as Rx'ed tonight. It wasn't as much of an aerobic workout as most timed WOD's are. The 315 DL's and HSPU's really keep everything in check.

    Total = 5 rounds

    The pullup bar at the gym is still awful. Can't string together more than 3 pull-ups without ripping a callous. Guess I'll have to tape up from now on.


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