Saturday, February 11, 2012

Rowing and Wall Balls.

My goal for this is to go under 21:30. I did a little math in my head. Get it done that fast and you're kind of tough I'd say.


  1. Hey Fletcher. Last time you did this in 19:19. You smoked me, I made 20:50. Just throwing some times out at you. And by the way, Mikko did it in 16:17.

    I'll tell you what, let's both just try to finish it. I know you've been beating yourself down for lagging off, but you've got nothing on the lazy, distracted sack-of-shittedidness I've shown over the past two months so stop kicking yourself. That's right, I'm still here, and I'm ready to start hitting it.

  2. Hey Chas! Hearing from you inspired me this morning brother. Thanks for the post. I didn't even notice we did this one before... so guess what? I PR'd at 18:37, no lie!

    Rowed 2K in 7:30
    First set of WBs 35/15
    Rowed 1K in 3:50
    Second set of wall balls 25/10 with 5 second break
    500M row ?? I was seeing double
    Last set of WBs unbroken

    WHat a feeling... WODs are so hard to do sometimes, but once the clock starts I get in the zone. It's all too easy to stop doing the WODs. Gotta find that mental toughness to get in there. I know it's hard. But worth it.

  3. Did this one last night as the front end of a double. Felt like hell going into it, but ended up feeling quite good by the end. Rowing is still not my strong suit, but I felt like I did better than usual last night. Kept up with the 2:20/500m pace boat. WB's were good.

    TT = 24:20

    Started the final round at about the 21 minute mark, so my goal was to finish under 25. Good workout.

  4. Everyone kicked my butt. Funny though, as I had a #in my head and couldn't remember where... but my TT was 21:30


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