Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Burpee, Split Jump, DU, Shuttle Run


  1. Did this one tonight after it got posted. The split jumps really suck on this one. Other than the split jump-burpee combination, not too bad. You gotta be smokin to break 20 with 10:30 in breaks.

    8 rounds in 28:47

    Go get 'em fellas.

  2. My legs were burning through the burps and splits. I cannot do DU's so I did 40 as fast as I could. Not the same but I couldn't think of anything better. By the time you hit shuttles... you're gassed.
    TT 22:20

  3. Alright, I'm trying to get back at it. I didn't time myself on this one, just did five rounds too. Major lungbutter. I've got some work ahead of me.

  4. Good to hear from you Chazzles!

    TT 26:07, RX'd. My round times went as my DU's went. Anyone who says they "can't" do DU's needs to get a jump rope and just try them,, says I. I couldnt' do them either, until I started doing them one at a time. All other moves unbroken throughout, but the DU's either went pretty good sometimes, or awful. Round times varied from 1:30 to 2:15. My new job is insane. running ragged and I love it! Very challenging at all times, 100 mph.

  5. Fletch'.. I try those damn DU's everytime a WOD calls for them. I have checked out the demo's on how to do them and FAIL. Maybe it's the shitty plastic covered jump ropes they have at the club? I just can't seem to get the rope around fast enough. I try during warmups because I'd love to be able to do them.

  6. Wy, I have a friend who was having the exact same problem. He said that he was good at jumping rope and could definitely jump high enough and all that, but could never get the hang of DU's. He kept watching the videos on the site and everything. Finally one day he bought a new rope and he was able to do DU's.

    The rope I use is just a simple plastic rope that I found at a sporting goods store. I think the key is that you need a rope that is light but able to carry some momentum. My rule of thumb is that it has to be the kind of rope that almost leaves marks when you "mis-jump" and whip yourself on accident.

  7. I use these.. They work great! It is all about the rope, cadence/timing, putting hands/wrists out in front of you. And practice!


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