Wednesday, February 1, 2012



  1. Didn't have much left in my arms after yesterday. Also, made the mistake of starting out with 10 hsps, that was duuuuumb. Total time was 23:26. One highlight was a 1:56 split on the 40 pullups. Other splits are too embarassing to mention.

  2. What a freak WOD! 30 HSPS had my head about to explode! I also didn't help myself by doing 15 more KB swings. I was getting pretty delirious and I just went w/it. I realized when I looked at the board where I wrote down the WOD that I had myself to extra work. Swell, as if this wasn't hard enough. 70 burps... F-THAT!! My legs were burning as were the lungs. IMO, under 25 minutes and you're in some good shape. TT 23:30
    Also... did back and bi's w/my son last night.. so pullups were heaven : ) /sarcasm

  3. Just saw this posted on the site. If true, this person is a complete terror and I never want to workout w/them...

    10:16 Rx

    Comment #13 - Posted by: Piggott at January 31, 2012 6:25 PM

  4. I am so sore today and I cringed when I saw this WOD. Way off my time since when first did this one, but I'm still pretty happy with my time.

    TT: 18:46

    Burpees took me 5:51, everything else ranged from 2:32 up to 3:56.

    Killer WOD

  5. I attempted this one last night after treadmilling. I'm still not supposed to try anything too hard on the cut so, pullups are still off for me. Also my 30 HSPU's was more like 5 minutes of 30 second intervals of handstand holds.

    TT = 28:48 without pullups

    Burpees are still made by the devil.

  6. The only sub I did was 25# for the kettleball swings. I need to get some heavier kettleballs. I broke the HSPU into groups of 5.

    TT 24:55.51

  7. I did my jump rope WOD plus some more stuff tonight.

    300 singles, 30 sec rest
    240 singles, 30 sec rest
    180 singles, 20 sec rest
    120 singles, 10 sec rest
    60 singles

    3 sets of 30 sec DU's, 1 minute rest between:
    52, 34, 36

    Did 3x5 light C&J's, then 20 minutes on the bike.

  8. there is something really wrong with my left shoulder. I couldn't do an HSPU at all without horrible pain, then I tried to sub 95 lb presses and the same result. So I did the rest of the WOD and had to skip the first move.

    TT 14:55

    Pullups: 2:11
    KBS: 2:59
    Situps: 2:17
    70 freaking burpees: 7:28

    STILL recovering from being sick, my wife has been sick for 3 weeks, lots of people have this freaky thing around here, for many it progresses to pneumonia. She only gets sick maybe once a year, so it's gnarly. But at least I got to the gym yesterday... which is just my garage! A foot of snow so far today, it's going to continue to snow for the next 24 hours too. Bring it on. I love snow. it's Winter, it's supposed to snow!

  9. Fletch... if you continue to use the shoulder, it won't heal right. Trust me, I injured mine a while back, and never let it heal. Now when I do various lifts, I have to really watch my range of motion or my shoulder will pop. It's very painful.


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