Monday, February 27, 2012

Row 300m/20WB/10PU


  1. WODoers: My rower was frozen and I have a tough wall ball shot, so I expect to be beaten down on this one by you guys. I got 8:48. Great wod. I would love to do at the gym and see my score.

  2. This was a great workout and Justin, a good time to chase. One thing that works against me is the almost 30 second walk from the rowing machine to the gym for wall balls. I ran the first time, but damn if that wasn't adding to the WOD so a brisk walk became my "rest" between sets. It skewed my time but it is what it is. TT 9:03

  3. No I subbed 30 SDHP's for the row. Not sure how the two compare so Justin you're still the man to beat.

    TT: 8:21

    Total ass kicker when you go balls out to the finish.

  4. Feels like Fran!

    7:36 RX'd

    just spent 4 days in Aspen. Lots of eating out, some work, ice skated for the first time, went snoweboarding twice, puts kids in ski school for two days, and went sledding on a big mountain. FUN!

    Did this with zero warm up. have to get moving, big meeting downtown.

    Throat is burning HUGE.

  5. I did this one last night, but didn't have any energy. My last round felt better than my first on this one. Anyway,

    as Rx'ed, TT = 10:18

    Looks like I'll do Zimmerman tonight. Later fellas.

  6. Scaled due to lack equipment. Ran 400M, WBs were 15# ball to 8ft target. Pullups normal on rings. Did this after the 7 1 rep weighted pullups. Also followed up with a 5k run.

    TT 10:59

  7. Hey Chris, check this out! They still sell C2's!



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