Monday, February 20, 2012




    that's how you do it world record style.

  2. 2 minutes for 100 pullups? That is madness.

  3. That is sick. I'll just be finishing my pullups in the amount of time it took him to do the entire WOD.

  4. OK peeps.. did this today. I did back and bi w/my son yesterday in the gym so I figured it would'nt help my pullups and I hope I was right. They were aweful today. The entire workout took me about 7 minutes... then came PU's. I ended up doing regular and kipping when I had the energy but overall my last 40 were pathetic. I think my last 15 took 5 sets. Blah!
    I split pushups and situps. Pushups in 2 sets and situps in 4. Squats were 3 sets
    TT 17:45 (yes, pu's took over 10 minutes!)

  5. It's been awhile since I did this one, forgot how hard she is. Pull-ups and Push-ups are usually the hardest for me, but today everything was a struggle. My legs are so sore from yesterday I thought I was going to die during the squats.

    Glad it's over. TT: 19:35

  6. Well crap.. I didn't quite do this right as I partitioned. So ignore my results. I'll post whebn I get a few days rest and try it again.

  7. Did this one last night. Ripped a callous on my hand on my 55th pu, so I stopped there. Otherwise, as Rx'ed.

    TT = 27:17

    Hoping to do a CFT/Tue WOD double tonight. It will be different to have a complete meathead day.

  8. TT 22:38. Worst time in three years... BUT I was hardcore about my range of motion. full lockout on all pullups, pushups were chest to floor, no kipping whatsoever on situps, and squats were full hip crease ass below knees. It's easy to cheat on ROM for Angie and Cindy, but I did not do that today. Pullups usually go 6:30 or so, today was 9:09! I guess that's because in the past I have cheated. Full lockout makes them way harder!!! Oh well, you have to be pretty darn healthy to even finish a workout like this :-)

  9. PS - Now that I have double unders going pretty good.. the next skill move needs to be the butterfly kip for pullups!

  10. Fletcher: I am slow as shit today too. I did everything full ROM too, but I know I am still sick and can't breathe. Squats took 5:07!! That is ridiculous. 23:05. Slowest time in three years here too. I cannot wait to get back to firing on all my be time to go to the doctor.

  11. Wow, coming back last week just crushed me. I took this down to 1/2 Angie, finished in 10:45. Pullups alone were just under 5mins.

  12. Have not posted in a while. I have a 15k coming up in a few weeks so I have been running. I have done some of the Wods with running and rowing(running instead of rowing) but have not posted them. Today was a rest day from running. I only did a half Angie.
    TT 14:42


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